Something everyday will show

Dis is truly deadly addicted. Haih~ esok ade test Numerical Methods, study pon x abes lg tp tangan ni rase gatal2 jek nk menaep. Dis is all her fault. Hers! Hehe.. Jgn marah ek cik syazana adik manis~ credits to her.. Mmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaxxxxxx! ;x

Hmm.. ni nk share 1 lagu best. Comel n sweet jek. Ni lagu tema cite enchanted yg comel... Dengar ni, aku nyanyi spesel utk korang.. hehe

Enchanted OST by Amy Adams
How Does She Know

How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?

How does she know that you love her?

How do you show her you love her?

How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?

It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?)
"How do I know he's mine?"
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?)

Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...

You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her

Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true...
How do you know he loves you?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you need her?
How do you know he's yours?

Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words in
Just for you? Ohhh!

He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!

He's your love
He's your love...

That's how you know
He loves you
That's how you know
It's true

Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!

His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know

He's your love...

That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her

That's how you know...
That's how you know...
He's your love...

Bile dgr betol2 lagu ni, betol jgk kate Giselle tuh.. macam mane kite nk taw kalo kite x diberitahu.. kan3?? Pastuh kene remind pulak, kalo x nnt tertanye-tanye sendirian "How do I know he loves me?" Bak kate Giselle, don't treat her like a mind reader. Kite ni manusia, mane la bole bace fikiran org laen.. Tp, pasal he'll wear your fevret color just to match ur eyes tuh x perlu la kot.. karang kaler tuh x seswai ngan die kang, cam keling pulak~ Private picnic best. hehe ;) Tp, aku x faham kenapa nk bg bunga kaler kuning bile langit berkaler kelabu... Nape ek??

Ape aku merepek tgh2 malam ni? Haih~ smbung study lerr cik mizah ooiiiii!!. Dah3! Stop!

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