Friday is a bless

Assalamualaikum, apa khabar semua? Hopefully semua orang sihat-sihat je, and happy and blessed :) Alhamdulillah for another day He gives us to breath, to feel the warmth of the sun, the see the beauty of the world; to live. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah :)

It's been raining heavily for last few days in Kelantan and Terengganu, causing flood in some areas. Luckily my hometown and Paka is not affected. However, I am not able to go home (hometown) as some roads has been closed for traffic; pity me. Actually, if there's no flood and the road is not closed, I still can't go back to my hometown as I work this Saturday (tomorrow). It's double pity for me as the next day (Sunday) is holiday here in Terengganu for Maal Hijrah celebration, and I'll be back in office on Monday.

Kerja selang-seli, bosan lah tak sempat amek mood, momentum tak sampai. How about productivity? Hmmm we'll see :P

Alhamdulillah, mentari muncul lagi bolehlah jemur baju. Hopefully sempat kering, kalau tak I menangis bersama langit. HAHA. Friday's always a favorite, I can spend my day leisurely. Doing some house chores, reading novels, blogwalking, facebooking, watching movies (movie marathon on laptop - I don't have partner to go to cinema, what a loser). Friday is a bless. I noticed that every Friday is a fine day (in term of weather). Maybe it's because of Friday is the head of days (penghulu hari). Alhamdulillah untuk nikmat ini :)

For those who affected by the flood, be strong. Parents please take care of your children, don't let them play near the water/flood. Hopefully no more death because of flood. Amiin :)

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